Document Type : Original Research


Department of Marketing, College of Business Education, Mwanza, Tanzania


Tanzanian micro and small-scale fishery businesses struggle with limited market share and competitiveness due to ineffective marketing strategies. The purpose of the study was to investigate a blend of marketing strategies enhancing the competitiveness of micro and small-scale fishery businesses. The study utilized a mixed-method research design, combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Quantitative data, collected from 188 respondents through simple random sampling and structured questionnaires, underwent descriptive and regression analysis. Qualitative data derived from eight focus group discussions through purposive sampling, was subjected to thematic analysis. The quantitative study revealed a strong positive correlation between traditional marketing strategies and gaining a competitive edge (p<0.000). Also, the study found a similar strong positive correlation between modern marketing strategies and gaining a competitive edge (p< 0.000). The qualitative study revealed that traditional marketing strategies placed emphasis on customer interaction, flexible pricing, product quality, and efficient stock management, while modern approaches prioritized mobile communication, customer relationship management, and social media presence. The findings imply the crucial role of traditional marketing strategies in shaping Mwanza City’s micro and small-scale fishery business, while stressing the increasing importance of integrating modern strategies with traditional approaches to ensure sustained competitiveness and success in the local market. The study unveils fresh insights by emphasizing the blending of traditional and modern marketing strategies for gaining a competitive edge in Tanzanian micro and small-scale fishery businesses.


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